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The Wind

As the wind picks up speed


time seems to go faster.

Every hour seems like only ten minutes,

then soon

days turns into hours.

Yet the wind keeps going faster and faster.

Suddenly I'm 13 in a matter of hours,

hours turn into minutes,

minutes turn into seconds and seconds

turn into milliseconds.

By now I'm 25.

12 years have suddenly passed by

and yet I didn't feel different

I felt

the same as before.

Outside I heard the wind picking up speed

once more.

Then suddenly I'm 30.

Another 5 years have passed just like

that but something feels different, in my house,

I find a wedding picture

On the wall but this was no ordinary wedding picture.

It was


But I heard the wind pick up again

and this time 20 years have passed

I had two children

and I hardly even knew them

and they were already in college


I looked at myself in the mirror

and was shocked I had grey streaks

in my hair

then I heard the wind blow once more

Now I was 67 in a matter of


I had 7 grandchildren.

I saw my daughter walk in

she looked so much like me.

She looked at me and smiled and said

"How are you, old-timer”

All I could do was laugh.

Next thing I knew my son had stepped

in the room with a big grin and roared with laughter.

I don't want to leave this

But I heard the wind picking up and the next thing

I knew I was 98

In a hospital and I hear my daughter

and son crying

they were saying something but I couldn't

make it out

Then suddenly the room got darker

I could have sworn I heard

“ don't go !”

but it was too


But the wind it was so


then any other sound

then the next thing I knew,

I was flying and

I see me on my deathbed,

Everyone they were bawling with tears

all I could do was watch.

I swear I could still hear the wind blowing while I

ascended to heaven.

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