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Just Because I'm Smart

Just because I'm smart

Doesn't mean I’m a “nerd”

Doesn't mean I’m weird

And doesn't mean I read textbooks for enjoyment

Just because I’m smart

Doesn't mean I bawl my eyes out over a 93

Doesn't mean I love school with all my heart and more

Doesn't mean I can’t play sports or exercise

Just because I’m smart

Doesn't mean I’m a chess master

Doesn't mean I have no friends

Doesn't mean I can’t have fun

Just because I’m smart

Why should I do your homework for you?

Where’s my calculator?

Why can’t I be normal?

Just because I’m smart.

Just because I’m smart

I can tell you the definition of “pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis”

Or build a computer

Just because I’m smart

I’m unbelievable.

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